
Publicado em 9 de novembro de 2007
Traduções disponíveis em: français (original) . Español . Português do Brasil .

Downloading the Charter

[revised version, November 2007]

This document comprises 5 parts:
- Preamble
- Guiding principles for exercising human responsibilities
- Responsibility: a key concept for the 21st century
- Values and practices: unity and diversity
- The Charter: its history and today

PDF - 139.6 KB
INGLÊS - 139 ko, 8 pgs

ENGLISH - 139 ko, 8 pgs
PDF - 144.2 KB
ESPANHOL - 144 ko, 9 pgs

SPANISH - 144 ko, 9 pgs
PDF - 155.3 KB
FRANCÊS - 155 ko, 8 pgs

FRENCH - 155 ko, 8 pgs
PDF - 1 MB
PORTUGUES, pdf, 1 mo, 8 pgs

PORTUGUES, pdf, 1 mo, 8 pgs
Zip - 15.7 KB
ARABIC, MSWord, 70 ko, 8 pgs

ARABIC, MSWord, 70 ko, 8 pgs
PDF - 234.9 KB
CHINESE - pdf, 235ko, 7 pgs

CHINESE - 235 ko, 7 pgs
PDF - 95.6 KB
ALEMAO- pdf, 96 ko, 11 pgs (tradutora : Evelin Mrose)

GERMAN - pdf, 96 ko, 11 pgs (translator : Evelin Mrose)
PDF - 317.7 KB
ITALIANO - pdf, 317 ko, 7 pgs

ITALIAN - 317 ko, 7 pgs
PDF - 175.8 KB
PERSIAN, 175 ko, 20 pgs

PERSIAN, 175 ko, 20 pgs
Word - 29.5 KB
PHILIPPINO, Charter Principles, 30 ko, 1 pg

PHILIPPINO, Charter Principles, 30 ko, 1 pg
PDF - 103.3 KB
BANGLA - pdf, 103 ko, 4 pgs (translator: Abdul Awal)

BANGLA - pdf, 103 ko, 4 pgs (translator: Abdul Awal)
PDF - 59.6 KB
NEPALI - pdf, 60 ko, 7 pgs (translator: Madhavi Singh)

NEPALI - pdf, 60 ko, 7 pgs (translator: Madhavi Singh)

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