
Publicado el 19 de diciembre de 2008
Traducciones disponibles en: français (original) . Español .

Monthly Bulletins

Temas fuertes asociados: Gobernanza, Derechos humanos, y responsabilidad .
Temas generales asociados: Cultura de paz . Democracia .

We propose you here the monthly bulletins presenting texts that were published by Lebanese students and intellectuals who support the causes of democracy, secularism, progress, freedom and social justice, and who refuse civil war, despotism and occupation.

This independent initiative tries to be opened to all important discussions in the Lebanese society.

The bulletins are only available in Arabic.

- Documentos

Issue nº 4 March 2008


Issue nº 2 January 2008


Referencia: Website publishing all the available bulletins


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