Refonder nos droits à l’aube du troisième millénaire – Autour d’une notion revisitée de responsabilité ?
Droit, interculturel et responsabilités - BIBLIOGRAPHIE Apprendre de ses erreurs Droit, gouvernance et développement durable. Quelques réflexions préliminaires. Et si on parlait de responsabilité ? Forum pour une nouvelle Gouvernance Mondiale Inventer une nouvelle gouvernance mondiale, maintenant La Constitution équatorienne donne des droits à la nature L’identité artistique et culturelle dans la construction d’un monde coopératif Le mythe émergent du pluralisme et de l’interculturalisme de la réalité Le protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (PIDESC) Livre : Essai sur l’Oeconomie Pourquoi la gouvernance mondiale de l’environnement avance-t-elle si lentement ? Repenser la gouvernance mondiale Responsabilité et cultures du monde Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Une alliance internationale de journalistes Une enfant de 12 ans met en question la responsabilité des adultes |
Forum for a new World Governance
Thèmes forts liés :
Gouvernance, Droits de l’Homme, et responsabilité . | |
Each passing day increases the feeling dramatically that a system of world governance is vitally needed, which respects all human beings, all that is living, and the planet as a whole. To act, we have to think, we have to make viable, applicable proposals, now. More than ever, we need to facilitate the convergence of all the thinking and the emergence of the proposals drawn from all cultures. Because union makes strength. It is in this spirit that the Forum for a New World Governance (FnWG) was born. The FnGM Web site periodically publishes an article on current governance issues in all the continents, written by a distinguished politician or a by a player who is representative of civil society. It offers a database containing key documents on the following main topics : Environmental Governance and Managing the Earth ; Economic Governance and Globalization ; Political and Institutional Governance ; Governance of Peace, Security, and Conflict Resolution ; and Governance of Science, Education, Information, and Communication. The Web site also submits a Discussion Paper for online comments. In addition, it publishes Proposal Papers as contributions to the broad debate on world governance. As many participants as possible are invited to contribute to this initiative with their thinking on this subject, to take part in the discussion, and to envisage the implementation of projects related to managing the planet, in all forms, at every level, connecting the local and the global. The forum organizes seminars and conferences as well. All the work is broadly circulated through a variety of publications and through the Web site. Do join ! |