
Publicado el 12 de marzo de 2008
Traducciones disponibles en: français (original) . Español .

A Message of Peace

Temas fuertes asociados: Gobernanza, Derechos humanos, y responsabilidad .
Temas generales asociados: Cultura de paz .

These three videos were broadcast on all the Lebanese TV channels in 2007. It is a message of peace, against the civil war, broadcast on the occasion of the Beirut book fair and the publication in Arabic of the book by Samir Kassir on the Lebanese war [1].

The message in the videos is one of refusal of pure chance: we can avoid suffering a new civil war if we understand the reasons of the former war (from 1975 to 1990) and the dynamics of the present.

[1] The book, initially in French, was written on the basis of his PhD dissertation for the University of Paris V.


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