
Publicado el 13 de agosto de 2007
Traducciones disponibles en: ελληνικά . français . Español .

Nancy Andrade Pinto (Fletea) - Brazil

Temas fuertes asociados: Arte y responsabilidad .
Temas generales asociados: Arte . Artistas . Medio ambiente .

Viewing Nature through Angel P.

50 cm X 70 cm – mixed technique

Artist’s statement:

The Art of Essence

Nancy de Andrade Pinto (Fletea) is an artist who uses the essence of cosmos as a way to express herself through her paintings.
That essence lies in the origin of nature, of objects and people, which are often out of our reach.
Fletea paints universal proposals: metaphysics, energies, and resonances, which makes her different from direct and traditional concepts. In other words, she tries to paint what we have inside.
The art of essence is a bridge to transcendence, which is the artistic superior dimension, there to be connected to us.
Every observer feels art in some way, which makes more valuable and exciting this portrayal, the unique work of the fine artist Fletea.
(Jeanne Sanseverino)

Artist’s biography:

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The Brazilian artist Nancy de Andrade Pinto has presented her artwork in eight countries. Her work is classified in nine Art Journals, in Brazil and abroad. Fletea’s art expressions are: mixed techniques, oil on canvas, acrylic, collages, and watercolors.

Contact with the artist:
e-mail: fletea twE uol.com.br
site : www.fletea.com


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