
Publicado el 26 de julio de 2007
Traducciones disponibles en: ελληνικά . français . Español .

Melody Reeves - USA

Temas fuertes asociados: Arte y responsabilidad .
Temas generales asociados: Arte . Artistas . Medio ambiente .

art exhibitions in Greece - autumn 2007

Contemporary Pursuit

Description of Work

Constructed primarily of petroleum products and echoing the ancient form of the Ephesian Diana, Contemporary Pursuit is a metaphorical garment for ancient, perennial lines of human contemplation: our fascination with products of technological sophistication, our awareness of the costs and benefits in utilizing natural resources, our decisions to give and take from the world around us, and the locations where we choose to manifest our reverence.

Artist Biography

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The work of Melody Reeves investigates the complex of worlds framed by our intertwining economic, social, natural and cultural spheres. She uses a wide range of materials and systems of thought, examining pivotal points of spiritual navigation through a trans-disciplinary vocabulary of assimilation, improvisation, and contemplation. A Lecturer in Three-Dimensional Design at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, she received undergraduate and graduate degrees in Fine Arts at the University of California and the University of Tennessee. Her work as an artist has been deeply informed by her work with community-based organizations, focusing on how marginalized communities can broaden access to cultural, political and economic resources. She has exhibited most recently at the Orozco Gallery, Mexico City, at the National University in Khabarovsk, Russia, and at the Biennale Iberoamerican de Lima, Peru.

Contact information for US artist Melody Reeves
mreeves7 RfL juno.com


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